Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve ?!

It's Christmas Eve. It doesn't feel that way, though, I must say. Currently you find me ending a not-so-good day :-( I do not feel the need to go into what all made this day bad, but in short it includes: a 3 hour bus ride, headaches in taxis, guards holding my Christmas package hostage, and reading a not-so-welcome e-mail. I guess I am just having one of those days where I miss America so much. Not America for the burritos or the clean air, no, I miss America because my family lives there. I miss my family so much right now. I miss my baby boy, Cujo, so much. I have always appreciated and loved the Holiday Season, but that feeling that I'm missing out is amplified so much when I think of my family. Sure it's hard not to have the Christmas decorations surrounding me and the Christmas music in every store. But what I miss the most is what so many people seem to overlook throughout their Holiday Season. So please, if you're reading this, don't take the people that mean the most for granted. Hug your grandmother, take time to talk with your siblings this Christmas. Take the time - because there are those of us that would give anything for what you have - time with your loved ones. 

Don't think that I am not loving Thailand. I am. I am just having one of those "hmmm.....I kinda miss home" days. Everyone has those, right? 

I love you Mom. I love you Daddy. I love you Granny, Grandpa, Memaw, Papa, Aunt Cherie & Uncle Ivan, Uncle Chris & Aunt Dena, Grant, Garrett, and Devon. I love you Aunt Terri & Uncle Tim, Baron & Emily. I miss you guys so much. You can not possibly know how much I would love to hug each of you tight around the neck this Christmas. Know that I will be praying for each one of you this Christmas Day. Big Hug and Kiss. 

~Me :o)~

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