Wednesday, January 28, 2009

No Comprende

It is so stressful sometimes being the only person whose mother tongue is English. You just want people to understand you, and the more you try, the more frustrated you get. Sometimes my students get so frustrated with me because they don’t understand new concepts that I’m teaching them. I can totally understand what they are going through. You try and try, but nothing seems to help. Words are so precious. You can wave your arms about as much as you want, but an idea or a concept is best understood when you speak the same language. You cannot understand how amazing it is to get a napkin when you ask for a napkin.  How easily I know that I will take words for granted when I return to the Land of the Free. I cannot imagine being here alone. I cannot imagine never having an outlet to release to in my own language. Maria, who is from Finland, commented on how frustrated she gets sometimes. Although she knows English as well as we do(and perhaps better in some cases), she still wishes to express herself in Finnish. Of course! That’s to be expected! That’s what she is comfortable with. I feel the same way. There are times when I just want to spout off in English and have just ONE person understand what I’m grasping for. Before you realize it, you’ve become so much more frustrated and angry than you ever anticipated. How silly this is! Something most people don’t ever even encounter, and I struggle with it on hourly basis. Interesting, eh? But something Maria said has stuck with me. She said that no matter how much she wishes she could talk to someone in Finnish and have them comprehend and reply, she can always rely on God. God knows all tongues and is the best listener you could ask for. So, whenever I am frustrated or just feeling misunderstood, I get out my journal. I write to my Father or simply talk out loud to Him. How much better I feel! Even though I doubt that you are struggling with people understanding the literal words that are exiting your mouth, I think it’s safe to assume that there are times when people do not understand your way of thinking. Take it to God. He is the one person who will not only completely understand, but will have the best response you could ask for :o)


Laura said...

It's me again, back to "harrass" you about why you haven't come up to Mission College yet! =)
We have lots of English speakers here, as well as at least 7 people on campus that speak Finnish! So come and bring your friends. I think anyone would be hard pressed to not find someone who spoke their native language!

Ashley said...

Laura! OK - I've finally nailed down a time to come visit! How does the weekend of the 28th sound? It's not his weekend, but the next. I'll be coming with at least 2 other friends, maybe 5. We'll get there on Friday and Jennifer and I can probably stay until Sunday. The others will have to leave Saturday night because they teach in the morning. Just tell me how I can reach you and such. Can't wait to finally meet you and explore the campus.