Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Time Flies

As I told you, Stephanie, Rebecca, and myself have undoubtedly been up to no good :o) Sadly, Rebecca has to go home this coming Monday :0( That only gives us 5 more days together. It's hard to believe that she's already been here 2 weeks! Time really has flown by. It has been so nice to have a little bit of America with us :o) Not to mention, she brought 2 cans of Big Franks for us...haha

Speaking of time, do any of you realize that I'll be home in exactly 3 months? This is just pure insanity! I seriously can't believe that my time here will end so soon. In some ways I am elated to think about going home, but in others I am saddened beyond belief to realize that my precious home here will have to be abandoned. Enough of the Debbie Downer act, I've still got 3 months, and I will enjoy it to the fullest! 

Here's a few pics of us girls up to no good! : Yeah, these top pictures are of us standing by the bug cart....they eat fried bugs....yummy? NOT! Not that we tried them or anything....

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